Teaching Rehearsal Project 7-9

Tentative Program

Teaching Rehearsal Project

At Maesai Room, AD Building

Mae Fah Luang University

26 July 2013

08.30  – 08.50                                    Registration


08.50  – 09.00                                   Introduction  

                                                               By       Assistant Professor Dr.Siripat  Suteerapataranon

                                                                                Acting Head of Teaching and Learning Development Center


09.00  – 10.00                                    Plenary Session : A Paradigm Shift in Education for the Knowledge Based Society

                                                       By                  Assistant Professor Dr.Sudaporn  Luksaneeyanawin

                                                                                Vice President of the Association of the Professional and

Organizational Development-ThailandPOD Network


10.00  – 10.15                                    Coffee Break


10.15  – 12.00                                    Plenary Session  : A Paradigm Shift in Education for the Knowledge Based Society


12.00 – 13.00                                      Lunch  Break

13.00  – 15.00                                    Workshop  : How to engage students in teaching   

15.00  – 15.15                                    Coffee Break

15.15  – 16.00                                    Round – up and Conclusions

                                                                By         Assistant Professor Dr.Sudaporn  Luksaneeyanawin



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27 Jnly 2013


09.00  – 09.30                                    Registration


09.30  – 10.30                                    Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min/Participant)

- School of  Liberal Arts ( 5 Participants)


10.30  – 10.40                                    Break


10.40  – 11.30                           Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min /Participant)

- School of  Liberal Arts ( 4 Participants)

- School of  Information Technology (2 Participants)


11.30. – 12.00                                    Suggestions

                                                                By    Assistant Professor Dr.Sudaporn  Luksaneeyanawin


12.00 – 13.00                                      Lunch  Break


13.00  – 14.30                                    Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min /Participant)

- School of  Information Technology (2 Participants)

- School of  Management (2 Participants)

- School of  Medicine (1 Participants)


14.30  – 14.45                                    Break


14.45 – 15.30                                      Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min /Participant)

                                                                - School of  Agro - Industry  (2  Participant)             


15.30 – 16.00                                      Suggestions

                                                                By         Assistant Professor Dr.Sudaporn  Luksaneeyanawin




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28 July 2013


09.00  – 09.30                                    Registration


09.30  – 10.30                                    Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min /Participant)

- School of  Nursing (3 Participants)

- School of  Health Science  (3  Participant)


10.30  – 10.40                                    Break


10.40  – 11.30                           Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min/Participant)

- School of  Health Science  (4 Participants)


11.30. – 12.00                                    Suggestions

                                                                By    Assistant Professor Dr.Sudaporn  Luksaneeyanawin


12.00 – 13.00                                      Lunch  Break


13.00  – 14.30                                    Teaching Rehearsal  (10 Min/Participant)

- School of  Health Science  (4 Participants)


14.30  – 14.45                                    Break


14.45 – 15.30                                      Teaching Rehearsal (10 Min /Participant)

                                                                - School of  Health Science  (4  Participant)               


15.30 – 16.00                                      Suggestions

                                                                By         Assistant Professor Dr.Sudaporn  Luksaneeyanawin


16.00  – 16.20                                   Closing  

                                                               By       Assistant Professor Dr.Siripat  Suteerapataranon

                                                                                Acting Head of Teaching and Learning Development Center



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