• Welcome to School of Medicine

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    With the aim to produce doctors; giving emphasis to family and community medicine. Focusing on the care of patients, family and the community holistically, combining medical scientific subjects with behavioural and social sciences, including integrating the teaching and research and focusing primarily on the results of treatment and the quality of life of the patients.

  • About the School

    The doctor of medicine curriculum of the Mae Fah Luang University School of Medicine is designed in accordance with guidelines of the National Education Act 1999 and 2002, the Medical Profession Act 1982, the Professional Standard of the Thai Medical Council 2002, the Implementation of the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education 2009, Criteria for the approval of the curriculum for doctor of medicine (adopted by the Board of Directors for the Thai Medical Council, meeting No. 7/2003 on July 10, 2003) and the National Health Security Act 2002.


  • Research Interests

    "The school aim for excellence research with focusing on community medicine, family medicine and medical science."

  • Career Opportunities

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    The medical graduates can be a medical doctor in government and private clinical institutions/agencies/departments of medicine and public health or being employed either at home country or abroad.

  • International Collaboration

  • Programmes

    Doctoral Programme
    Doctor of Medicine M.D.

    (50,000 Baht per semester)
    (600,000 Baht per programme)

    The Doctor of Medicine Programme at Mae Fah Luang University is currently only open to students with Thai nationality. The fees represented here are only relevant for Thai students.

    The doctor of medicine curriculum is a reflection of the responsibility to produce efficient, caring and ethical medical graduates with lifelong curiosity, self-directed learning and appropriate attitude towards medical science and medicine, as well as health promotion, disease prevention and rehabilitation.

    Students will be expected to develop their analytical skills systematically, make practical use of the acquired knowledge, communicate proficiently, possess leadership quality and base their practice on morality and ethics while at the same time placing a priority on public interest, contributing significantly to the society and be able to maintain themselves in the community.


    After completing the programme, graduates will be able to:

    • Have good morals, ethics and attitudes towards the medical profession.

    • Possess confidence, faith and pride in the medical profession.

    • Be interested in self-study, research and critical thinking to solve problems in a systematic way. Having potential to conduct research to solve problems and develop new knowledge including a clinical research with community-based focus.

    • Have good attitude towards continuing education.

    • Have good interpersonal skills as well as skills in the interpretation and personal communication. Being able to work as a team, capable in report writing, presentation and knowledge transfer.

    • Be knowledgeable and have potential in various aspects (multi-potential), conduct medical profession efficiently with continuous professional development, have distinct leadership skills, have competency in community and family medicine, provide an education in health care, health promotion, disease prevention and public health to the community and society as a whole as well, and accommodate changes that occur over time

    • Be knowledgeable and capable to understand and skilfully solve problems holistically by taking into account the causative factors including physical and psychological aspects, social, family and environment.

    • Assess situations and their potentials.

    • Practice both in urban and rural communities, being reliable for families and communities with ability to correctly and appropriately manage the situation.

    • Selectively apply technology in health education and health care, health promotion, disease prevention and rehabilitation, and patient transfer, including in family planning as deemed necessary and in accordance with economic status of the patient and society.

  • Contact Information

    Mailing Address

    School of Medicine

    4th Floor M3 Building Mae Fah Luang University Muang, Chiang Rai 57100

    Phone:+66 5391 6566, +66 5391 6568
    Fax:+66 5391 6570
    Email: med@mfu.ac.th
    Website: http://www.mfu.ac.th/school/medicine/