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Course description                                             Page 1 | 2

• Applied Statistics and Research Methodology 3(3-0-6)

Overview of statistical concepts and methodology; questionnaire design; data collection; analysis and evaluation; applications of results to industry and business.

• Antiaging clinic 3(0-9-3)

Anamnesis, physical examination and evaluation of the patients coming with aging condition, laboratory investigation for the diagnosis, medical treatment, hormone replacement therapy, nutritions, oxidative stress.

• Cosmetic Dermatologic Clinic 3(0-9-3)

Evaluation and choose the proper treatment for the patients with cosmetics problem, wrinkles management, pigment skin lesions, laser surgery

• Cosmetic Science and Cosmetic Dermatology 3(3-0-6)

Overview of basic science for cosmetic fields, cosmaceutical, instrument for measure physiologic parameter of skin, hair and nail cosmetics, obesity management, soft tissue augmentation and aromatherapy

• Cosmetics Surgery 1(1-0-2)

Skin structure; interaction of tissue reaction; wrinkle treatment and wound management; blepharoplasty, tissue regeneration and laser treatment

• General Clinical Dermatology 1 1(1-0-2)

Sign and symptoms; pathology; causes; diagnosis and treatment of common skin diseases

• General Clinical Dermatology 2 1(1-0-2)

Sign and symptoms; pathology; causes; diagnosis and treatment of common and rare skin diseases, pharmacological action of drugs for skin disease, main concept of fungal disease and laboratories for fungus, immunodermatology , tissue process for immunopathology , phototherapy, cutaneous manifestation of HIV patients

• Dermatologic Clinic 1 1(0-6-1)

Anamnesis, physical examination of the skin and
related systems, laboratory investigation for the diagnosis, medical treatment, laser surgery for treatment of common skin disease, etc

• Dermatologic Clinic 2 1(0-6-1)

Anamnesis, physical examination of the skin and
related systems, laboratory investigation for fungus and bacterial infections, immunological laboratories, phototherapy, laser therapy, electron microscope

• Dermatologic Case Seminar 1(1-0-2)

Making diagnosis of the patient by working laboratory investigation, they will also
study pathophysiology, journal club seminar and discussion of interesting cases, etc

• Dermatologic Research Journal Seminar 1(1-0-2)

Study how to analyze and discuss dermatologic publication; designing the student’s thesis

• Antiaging Medicine 1(1-0-2)

Anamnesis, physical examination and evaluation of the patients coming with aging condition, laboratory investigation for the diagnosis, medical treatment, hormone replacement therapy, nutritions, oxidative stress, etc

• Contact Dermatitis and Occupational Skin Diseases Clinic 1(0-3-1)

Anamnesis, physical examination, prevention and treatment of contact dermatitis, occupational skin disease including patch test and prick test and occupational skin disease in the factory.

• Microscopic Dermatology 1(0-6-1)

Histology of skin; sebaceous gland; sweat gland; endothelial cell; nerve; lymphatic system in normal and pathological skin condition; by using microscope and electron microscope
• Dermatologic Clinic 3 1(0-6-1)

History taking; physical examination of skin and other related systems; lab
investigation for diagnosis; treatment of skin disease; advice doctors, medical students and general practitioners

• Dermatologic Clinic 4 1(0-6-1)

History taking; physical examination of skin and other related systems; lab
investigation for diagnosis; treatment of skin disease; advice doctors, medical students, general practitioners and patients and people; publication of academic paper for organization and and related institute
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