
School of Science's exchanged student

Elena Suzina Binti Datanggu, an undergraduate student majoring in computer science, Faculty of Science, Universityof Brunei Darussalam (UBD) arrived in Mae Fah Luang University (MFU) in late January this year to join School of Science (SOS) student exchange program. She now has wrapped up her semester at SOS and prepared to go back to Brunie.  She has experienced a great deal since coming to Thailand, and has touched the hearts of many while enriching her own life as a foreign exchanged student.

During her program, Elena was involved in many activities arranged by MFU including the MFU Bicycle Club and Cultural study trip to Kyaing Tong-Mong La, Myanmar. She has enjoyed the course work she enrolled and making new friends at MFU.  “I never expected my coming to Thailand as an exchange student would turn out to be as excellent like this”, said Elena.  She was impressed with the coursework, the library, the international dormitory and other facilities which MFU has provided to the students.   Even though her religion is not Islam, one thing she recommended was that she would like MFU to provide more Halal food shops in the cafeteria to serve the Muslim students.


Elena is scheduled to go back to Brunie in the beginning of June. As a result of her experience in MFU, she hopes to develop a career in the field of information technology and return back to Thailand someday in the future. This student exchange program was a good start toward developing an international academic relationship between MFU and UBD.