
งานวันนักประดิษฐ์ ประจำปี 2562

Forensic Innovation Contest 2018

professional teacher camp

Mahidol Day 2014

Medical Preparedness for AEC

Observation at Faculty of Medicine, Burapha University

Observation at Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University

Mahidol Day 2013

Science Week 2013

Make a merit at school of medicine

Cultivation of good conscious minds for medical students.

Observation at Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital

The ceremony to pay respect for teachers of 1st year medical students

Sign a Contract for Medical Student



School of Medicine, 4 th floor Pre Clinic Building M3
Mae Fah Luang University Muang, Chiang Rai 57100
Tel. 0-5391-6566, Fax. 0-5391-6570